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你的位置:首頁 > 產(chǎn)品展示 > > >Rosemount Analytical Model 5081 Transmitters


Rosemount Analytical Model 5081 Transmitters

簡要描述:Measures pH, ORP, conductivity, resistivity, oxygen, chlorine, and ozone in a variety of process liquids

  • 產(chǎn)品型號:
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2024-04-22
  • 訪  問  量: 1818


The Rosemount Analytical Model 5081 family of transmitters can be used to measure pH, ORP, conductivity (using either contacting or toroidal sensors), resistivity, oxygen, free chlorine, total chlorine, and ozone in a variety of process liquids. The 5081 is compatible with most Rosemount Analytical sensors. With a rugged, weatherproof, corrosion-resistant enclosure (NEMA 4X and IP65) of epoxy-painted aluminum, the 5081 meets NEMA 7B explosion-proof standards making it possible to locate the transmitter close to the sensor even in the harshest environments.

The Rosemount Analytical 5081 transmitter is simple to set-up and operate. A large, easy to read two-line display shows the process measurement and temperature. The 5081 includes the HART or Foundation Fieldbus digital communication protocols which allows users to set-up, configure, read process variables, and troubleshoot problems via PC or HART communicator. Additionally, an optional handheld infrared remote controller can also be used for programming and calibrating the transmitter. The remote controller works from as far away as six feet.

Models of the Rosemount Analytical Xmt family of transmitters:

  • 5081–A:

    Amperometric transmitter measures dissolved oxygen (ppm and ppb level), free chlorine, total chlorine, and ozone
  • 5081–P:

    pH/ORP transmitter
  • 5081–C:

    Contacting conductivity transmitter measures conductivity, resistivity, or custom curve variable
  • 5081–T:

    Toroidal conductivity transmitter measures conductivity, percent concentration, or custom curve variable.


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地址:上海市松江區(qū)廣富林路4855弄79棟3層 傳真:86-021-57897489 Email:shbangwo@163.com

版權所有 © 2024 上海邦沃儀器設備有限公司 備案號:滬ICP備15055241號-1 技術支持:化工儀器網(wǎng) 管理登陸 GoogleSitemap

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